ITS E-rate Email Archive
FY 2018 Form 471 Prep Webinar
February 07, 2018
GaE-rate will host two FY 2018 Form 471 Prep webinars - February 21 and March 7 at 2:00pm to cover everything you need to know before starting your Form 471 application. The topics we plan to discuss are: how to your update connectivity questions, creating contract records in EPC, C1 Form 471, C2 Form 471 and the C2 bulk upload template. We will leave time at the end to answer any questions.
Meeting number (access code): 644 192 730 Meeting password: Pqwd9Nnb
JOIN BY PHONE: +1-415-655-0001 US TOLL
Meeting number (access code): 642 612 686 Meeting password: tGiQZQqN
JOIN BY PHONE: +1-415-655-0001 US TOLL
Also, don’t forget about these upcoming deadlines:
• February 22, 2018 is the last day to post a Form 470 – This is the form you use to request services and start your procurement process
• March 22, 2018 is the close of the FY 2018 Form 471 Application Filing Window – This is the form you use to ask for E-rate funding. You must have a signed contract before filing a Form 471. This form must be filed every year.
We hope to see you on the webinar!
Thank you.
Candice Hall: 706-583-2106 |
Ga E-rate Team: 844-423-7283 |