Georgia E-rate Services

Providing E-rate Services to the schools and libraries of Georgia

ITS E-rate Email Archive

FY2018 Form 471 Prep Webinar Tomorrow!
February 20, 2018

Reminder! GaE-rate will host a webinar tomorrow, February 21 at 2:00pm to cover everything you need to know before starting your Form 471 application. The topics we plan to discuss are: how to your update connectivity questions, creating contract records in EPC, C1 Form 471, C2 Form 471 and the C2 bulk upload template. Come with questions!


Meeting number (access code): 644 192 730 Meeting password: Pqwd9Nnb

JOIN BY PHONE: +1-415-655-0001 US TOLL

Remember these upcoming deadlines:

• This Thursday, February 22, 2018 is the last day to post a Form 470 for FY2018 – This is the form you use to request services and start your procurement process

• Form 471 Application Filing Window closes March 22, 2018 – This is the form you use to ask for E-rate funding. You must have a signed contract before filing a Form 471 and this form must be filed every year

Thank you.

Candice Hall: 706-583-2106 |

Ga E-rate Team: 844-423-7283 |

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